Werelagomorph (Were-hare)

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Werelagomorph (Were-hare)
Climate/Terrain: Temperate climes, underground
Frequency: Not rare enough
Organization: Herd, if that is the right word for a bunch of rabbits
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Herbivore (kills out of meanness)
Intelligence: Low
Treasure: Nil
Alignment: Chaotic evil
No. Appearing: 1-8
Armor Class: 4 in hare form, 6 in werehare form
Movement: 24 in hare form, 12 in werehare form
Hit Dice: 3 (24 hp in were-hare form, 3 hp in hare form)
THAC0: 17
No. of Attacks: 3 (claw/claw/nibble) or 1 (weapon) in were-hare form, nil in hare form
Damage/Attack: 1/1/1 -4 or by weapon type (were-hare form only)
Special Attacks: Diseased bite (lycanthropy)
Special Defenses: Struck only by silver or magical weapons
Magic Resistance: Standard
Size: S (2 ’ long in hare form) to M (4½ ’ tall in were-hare form)
Morale: Unsteady (5)
XP Value: 175

This creature appears as a hare but changes to its were-form if attacked. In were-form, it can attack with a onehanded weapon for normal damage. This creature has a mean streak a mile wide, and passes up no opportunity to prove how awful it can be, though it is not particularly brave and so rarely carries out its plans.

This creature can be hit by only silver or magical weapons, including Holy Hand Grenades.

Created by: Sharon Jenkins

Dragon156 (Dragon156)