Tanar'ri Living Fortress

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Climate/Terrain: N/A
Frequency: N/A
Organization: N/A
Diet: N/A
Intelligence: Low to Average (5-10)
Treasure: Nil
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 10
Movement: N/A
Hit Dice: 15-20
THAC0: 5
No. of Attacks: 1d6
Damage/Attack: 3d4
Special Attacks: Nil (see below)
Special Defenses: See below
Magic Resistance: 50%
Size: varies
Morale: N/A
XP Value: 12,000 to 17,000

Living fortresses are impossible to harm through normal attacks — only area of effect attacks inflict damage upon them. They fight by means of manifesting 1d6 clawed limbs which extrude from the walls, floors and ceil- ings (wherever needed). These limbs can be harmed by normal weapons, and are destroyed after sustaining 30 hp damage. A fortress can only have as many limbs as it has HD, so the loss of one of these members is not inconsequential. The fortress can sense activity of any kind within its own confines and within 50' of its outer perimeter.

They can't move or flee, so they have no movement or morale ratings. The entire fortress has the same sorts of special defenses and abilities as a normal tanar'ri, except that they can- not teleport. This means that a living fortress can use the following spell- like abilities at will (once per round): darkness 10' radius, and infravision. Further, it can gate 3-18 least tanar'ri 3 times/day with a 40% chance of success. Like all tanar'ri, these fiends sustain half damage only from cold, fire and gas attacks. Further, electrici- ty, non-magical fire, and poison do them no harm (so they're incredibly hard to slay).

Dragon233 (Dragon233)