Climate/Terrain: | Any |
Frequency: | Unique |
Organization: | Solitary (can summon pack) |
Activity Cycle: | All |
Diet: | Carnivore |
Intelligence: | Genius (17-18) |
Treasure: | H |
Alignment: | Lawful Evil |
No. Appearing: | 1 |
Armor Class: | -4 (-6 when frenzied) |
Movement: | 40 |
Hit Dice: | 18+12 |
THAC0: | 5 |
No. of Attacks: | 5 |
Damage/Attack: | 2-12/2-12/2-20/2- |
Special Attacks: | See below |
Special Defenses: | See below |
Magic Resistance: | 40% (60% when frenzied) |
Size: | L (16') (but attacks as M for speed) |
Morale: | Champion (15-16) |
XP Value: | 17,000 |
For eons, Talon was the great warrior chief of the Raptor Clan on a hidden island. When the Great Meteor struck, Talon's island came into contact with the mainland and he unleashed his fury. Talon is the ultimate hunter, living for the sport of the kill. His lighting speed and raptor-like ferocity make him a fearful opponent despite his size in comparison to the other gods.
Talon and the rest of his clan now dwell deep within a heavily forested region.
Combat: In combat, Talon uses his speed and agility to frightening effect. He makes four slashes with his razor-sharp claws and follows this with an artery-ripping bite.
Unless he has been surprised, Talon will always attack first at the beginning (and only at the beginning) of any combat encounter. As a consequence of his highly acute senses, Talon is only surprised on a 1 in 10. Due to his speed in combat, he also attacks as a medium-sized creature.
After 2 rounds of normal combat, Talon can choose to send himself into a berserk frenzy for 2 rounds, during which time all his attacks are doubled, his Armor Class is lowered by 2 points, and his initiative gains a -2 bonus. When in a frenzy, on a natural attack roll of 20, his opponent is gutted - literally - for an additional 5-50 hp damage. Talon can go into this frenzy up to three times per day.
This super-raptor can also leap up to 50' onto his opponent's head to perform the dreaded cranium crusher with his powerful rear claws. This will cause 4-80 hp damage (save vs. paralyzation for half damage); over 30 hp damage in such an attack requires a second saving throw which, if failed, causes the victim to be stunned and incapacitated for 1-3 rounds due to skull damage.
Talon tracks as a 20th-level ranger.
Whenever he wishes, Talon can bellow and summon 2-8 members of his clan. The number of times he can bellow is unlimited, and the number of raptors he can summon is only limited by the number in his clan. Unfortunately, no one knows how many that is.
Habitat/Society: Talon's followers live in a perpetual state of worshipful fear. The handful of hunter-gatherer tribes that worship this king of all raptors are not immune to the ferocious appetite of their deity. He may just as likely make a meal of one of them as an outsider.
Outiders caught by his followers are blooded and made to make the "holy chase" - a run across a nine-mile stretch of dense jungle adjacent to the area where Talon and his clan dwell. They must try to get to the other side of the jungle to the relative safety of a sandy cove and the ocean beyond before being hunted down by Talon or one of the other raptors.
Talon's own raptor clan lives as a surprisingly complex society. The shape of the society is framed by tight family structures and peer groups.