
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd EditionCampaign Setting Logo

Male TakoFemale Tako
Climate/Terrain:Tropical, subtropical, and temperate oceanTropical subtropical, and temperate ocean
Frequency:RareVery rare
Activity Cycle:AnyAny
Intelligence:Average (8-10)Average (8-10)
Alignment:Lawful neutralLawful neutral
No. Appearing:3-121-2
Armor Class:32
Movement:3, Sw 93, Sw 9
Hit Dice:46
No. of Attacks:77
Damage/Attack:1-2 (×7)/3-6 or by weapon1-3 (×7)/2-8 or by weapon
Special Attacks:ConstrictionConstriction
Special Defenses:CamouflageCamouflage
Magic Resistance:NilNil
Size:M (6' diameter)L (7' diameter)
Morale:Steady (12)Steady (12)
XP Value:270650

The tako are a race of intelligent octopi who can move onto land and use weapons and other tools.

Tako have no bones; their plump bodies are protected by tough mantles of leathery skin. They have eight supple tentacles, similar to those of octopi, lined with circular muscles that act as suction cups. They have a single golden eye centered in their heads, and sharp, protruding jaws that resemble the bill of a parrot. Although tako can change color with ease, a mature male's normal color is light green, while a mature female's is orange-red. Young tako appear in a variety of colors, including black, brown, white, blue, and golden.

Tako have their own language based on tentacle movements and skin-color changes. Characters with an Intelligence of at least 17 (or with the reading/writing proficiency) have a 25% chance of understanding the tako's language.

Combat: Though normally docile, tako attack any creature who invades their territory. In addition, they have a strong sense of honor, and will avenge attacks and ally with members of other races who assist them. They are crafty opponents. Tako can change their color and pattern to match any natural terrain in a single round. This camouflage makes them 90% undetectable, and modifies the surprise rolls of opponents by -3.

Most tako war parties are exclusively male. The tako attack with their beaks. They also can anchor themselves with a single tentacle, leaving the remaining seven tentacles free to make attacks. Usually, the tako carry seven weapons - one spear or hand axe in each free tentacle.

Tako can make constriction attacks similar to octopi. Any victim under 7 feet tall (or 7 feet long) can be grappled by one tentacle at a time. Male tako have a 10% chance of pinning both of the victim's arms with a single strike; females have a 15% chance. The chance of pinning only one upper limb is the same. If both limbs are pinned, the victim has no attack. If only one limb is pinned, the victim attacks with a -3 penalty to his attack roll. If no limbs are pinned, the victim attacks with a -1 penalty.

Tako tentacles grip with a Strength of 18/00; a victim with a Strength equal to or greater than 18/00 can grasp the tentacle and loosen it, negating the constriction. To break completely free, a tentacle must be severed; males have 4 hit points per tentacle, females have 6 hit points per tentacle. Unless loosened or severed, tentacle constriction automatically inflicts 1-4 hit points of damage per round from males, or 2-8 (2d4) points from females.

Young tako cannot perform constriction attacks. Their AC is 7, and they have 1 HD. Their THAC0 is 20. They inflict 0-1 hp of damage per tentacle attack, and 1-3 hp with their beak. Otherwise, they're just small, feisty versions of their parents, with an MR of 1 (Sw 3) and XP value of 35.

Habitat/Society: A tako tribe comprises 3-12 (3d4) males, half as many young, and 1-2 females. Females make all decisions for the tribe, while the males act as defenders and hunters. The creatures establish their lairs in coastal underwater caves, making occasional raids on land for food, weapons, and treasure items. In some areas, tako coexist with humans, cooperating to attack sea monsters and to help fishermen, but such cases are extremely rare.

Ecology: Tako eat oysters, crabs, lobsters, and other shell fish, which they crack open with their powerful jaws. They can eject small clouds of rich blue ink, but the clouds are too limited to serve as a defense. Humans greatly prize the ink, however, and use it to create calligraphy.

Monstrous Manual (2140)
MC6 Kara-Tur Appendix (2116)