Rogue Hero

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd EditionCampaign Setting Logo

Rogue Hero
Climate/Terrain: Any/ruins
Frequency: Very Rare
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Sacrifices
Intelligence: 14
Alignment: Any chaotic
No. Appearing: 1
Armor Class: 4
Movement: 9
Hit Dice: 6
THAC0: 15
No. of Attacks: 1
Damage/Attack: By traditional weapon
Special Attacks: Cause disease and curse twice each per day
Special Defenses: +2 or better to hit
Magic Resistance: Nil
Size: M
Morale: Fearless (20)
XP Value: 2,000

Rogue heroes are hero spirits who have been forgotten by their peoples or turned into figures of evil. They continue to exist because a dominant religion or ideology has so successfully turned them into malign figures or because shamans continue to sacrifice to them. They are now twisted versions of the heroes they once were.

They are often encountered at ruined shrines that were once dedicated to their honor, but also roam the extent their ancestral lands. Occasionally, they will lash out at mortals without apparent provocatio

Combat: Rogue heroes are creatures with nothing to lose, and thus fight until they or their opponent is destroyed. They wield weapons as dictated by the tales that are told about them. However, they fight with such fury and ferocity that they have +3 to all attack and damage rolls. Further, they use their ability to curse on the first round of combat, and their cause disease ability on the round following the first successful attack leveled against them.

When combat with a rogue hero has been initiated, the battle continues until one combatant has been destroyed.

Accepted Alignments: Any.

Familiarity: Rogues accept any shaman willing to serve them. They yearn for better days–when they were more powerful and more famous, and accept any shaman who might help them back to their former glory.

Demands: Rogue heroes expect that either 500 gp worth of sacrifice is directed to them per year, or that the shaman works to spread their fame across the land and build a cult to worship them. The rogue hero craves worship, but by definition rarely receives much, and shirking shamans are not tolerated.

Benefits: The rogue hero can sponsor any spell on the spiritualist spell list, 2nd-level tribal shaman spells, and priest spells from the Necromantic sphere of up to 3rd level

Shaman (9507)