The Queen of Chaos

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Climate/Terrain: The Steaming Fen
Frequency: Unique
Organization: Planar Ruler
Activity Cycle: Any
Diet: Carnivore
Intelligence: Supra-genius (20)
Treasure: u,z
Alignment: Chaotic evil
No. Appearing: Unique
Armor Class: -5
Movement: 6, Sw 9, Jet 24
Hit Dice: 20, hp 140
THAC0: 1
No. of Attacks: 3
Damage/Attack: 2d6/2d6/2d6+16
Special Attacks: Constriction, beak, spell-like abilities
Special Defenses: Harmed only by +3 or better magical weapons, immunities, regeneration
Magic Resistance: 70%
Size: G (about 25' tall)
Morale: Fearless (19)
XP Value: 38,000

The Queen of Chaos is a native of Limbo who rules the Steaming Fen.

The queen's lower body is a mass of 10 mauve tentacles, like a giant squid's. The tentacles are always shiny with slime, and a network of red and purple veins shows beneath the skin. Her upper body is humanoid, female, and grossly fat. The skin is bluish, lighter at the corpulent belly and darker in back. The queen's eyes and hair are green; the locks hang in drooping curls. When standing upright on her tentacles she is about 25 feet tall, but she measures more than 90 feet from the top of her head to the tips of her longest tentacles.

The queen carries a huge trident attached to one wrist with a coil of spyder-fiend silk rope. She wears a coronet of bones decorated with black pearls and a sahuagin skull.

Combat: The queen is as strong as a frost giant, and her oversized trident is a +5 magical weapon that inflicts 2d6+2 points of damage (2d6+ 16 with all bonuses added). She can use the trident as a melee weapon or hurl it as a missile weapon. When she throws the trident, she can recover it immediately by pulling the rope attached to it. The rope is armor class -5, and it can sustain 50 points of damage before being severed. The rope is 75% resistant to magical fire.

Two of the queen's tentacles are long enough to conduct melee with opponents up to 60 feet away; these tentacles are equipped with horny ridges that inflict 2d6 points of slashing damage. If the queen chooses, she can attempt to grab opponents of up to size large; opponents have an effective armor class of 10, with adjustments for magic and Dexterity, against this attack form, but the queen suffers a --4 attack penalty. If she successfully grabs a foe, she lifts the opponent off his feet and can stuff him under her body on the following round, freeing the grasping tentacle for further attacks.

Opponents trapped under the queen's body are wrapped in one of her other tentacles and constricted for 3d6 points of damage each round. Each tentacle can constrict a single opponent. The queen also has a razor-sharp beak hidden among her tentacles. She can bite one trapped creature with the beak each round for 7d4 points of damage.

The queen's tentacles cannot be broken with a feat of Strength. The only way to escape is to sever the tentacle with an attack from a slashing weapon of +3 or better enchantment or with a tightly directed magical attacks such as magic missile. The tentacles are armor class -7 and each requires 30 points of damage to sever. Damage from any physical attack is reduced by-5 per attack. Creatures in a tentacle's grasp or trapped under the queen's body suffer a-3 penalty to attack and initiative rolls.

Damage to the tentacles does not harm the queen. Severing a tentacle allows a creature in the tentacle's grasp to wiggle free of the queen's body, but the tentacle does not let go. It continues to constrict for 2d6 points of damage each round until removed with a successful open doors roll.

The queen has these spell-like abilities as a 20th level caster: shape change into human or merman form, mirror image, slow, chaos, magic missile, tongues, clairvoyance, telekinesis, and ventriloquism (at will); suggestion with a maximum duration of one month, polymorph other, death fog, shocking grasp, eyebite, and taunt (six times a day); chain lightning, domination, mass charm, and polymorph any object (three times a day); and symbols of discord, fear, hopelessness, and pain (each once a day). She can telepathically communicate with any chaotic creature that is at least semi-intelligent.

Once per hour, the queen can expel a cloud of noxious smoke (or ink when underwater), which has the following effects: darkness 15' radius, stinking cloud, or solid fog. Cloud effects function at 20th level. They are considered breath weapons and are not subject to magic resistance.

Three times an hour, the queen can create a chaos gate. See Book III, page 14 for details.

The Queen of Chaos is immune to all forms of acid, electricity, and poison. She regenerates one hit point a tum and regrows severed tentacles in 4d12 hours.

Followers and Resources: The Queen of Chaos resides in a sprawling palace located on swampy island in the Steaming Fen. The palace is filled with treasures looted from every Prime Material World where her agents are active. Some of the spoils stored in the palace might actually date back to the original war against Law.

Every spyder-fiend gives allegiance to the queen, even if only grudgingly. She rules through intimidation, favors granted and capriciously withdrawn, and shrewd bargaining.

Plots and Goals: The queen is obsessed with freeing Miska the Wolf-Spider, her lover and most successful general, from his prison. The queen adroitly pits her rivals against each other and placates enemies with gifts of treasure and slaves.

She constantly monitors the Prime Material Plane for any sign of the Rod of Seven Parts, which she believes (correctly) can heal the crippling injury Miska suffered. Whenever mortals find the Rod and begin assembling it, the queen learns about it through her servants, spies, and a sixth sense she has developed regarding the Rod.

The Rod of Seven Parts (1145)