Climate/Terrain: | Plane of Mineral |
Frequency: | Unknown (common) |
Organization: | Solitary or “pod” |
Activity Cycle: | Any |
Diet: | Positive energy |
Intelligence: | Semi- to low |
Treasure: | Nil (Q X 20) |
Alignment: | Neutral |
No. Appearing: | 1d8 |
Armor Class: | 2 |
Movement: | 0 |
Hit Dice: | 1 hp per foot of length (5 hp count as 1 HD); range of 5-100 HD |
THAC0: | Variable |
No. of Attacks: | 1d6 per opponent |
Damage/Attack: | 1d6 per attack |
Special Attacks: | Positive energy burst, constriction |
Special Defenses: | +2 or better weapon to hit, fire and electrical resistance, elemental abilities |
Magic Resistance: | 75% |
Size: | M-G (5’-500’ long) |
Morale: | Fanatic (18) |
XP Value: | Variable |
Any adventurer traveling to the border zone between the Positive Material plane and the quasi-elemental plane of Mineral will almost surely encounter one or more chamrols. These-huge creatures grow in profusion throughout this area. Possessing the qualities of plants, animals, and minerals, chamrols are encountered nowhere else, for here they can bask in the pure energy of the Positive Material plane.
A chamrol is composed almost entirely of very dense metals, mostly lead (80%); with exteriors that are studded with crystalline outcroppings. One very rare species of chamrol is composed of gold, but such types occur only 1% of the time. The chamrol's mineral roots extend deep into the minerals that permeate the entire quasi-plane. Some sages have claimed that the chamrols' roots extend all the way to the elemental plane of Earth. An average chamrol is 5d100 feet high.
Combat: The central stalk of the chamrol is coated with a covering of foliated, micalike scales. Protruding through these thin plates are dozens of writhing tentacles. Any character coming within 20' of a chamrol can be attacked by 1d6 of these tentacles, with each successful hit inflicting 1d6 hp damage. There is also a 15% cumulative chance that a successful attack enables the tentacle to grasp its victim. Anyone grabbed thereafter receives 1d6 hp constriction damage automatically for each round that he is held. The victim can attempt to break free if he makes a bend bars/lift gates roll, one roll per round; failure allows the chamrol to inflict another round of damage.
Once per day for each 100' of length, the chamrol can draw on its energy reserves to generate a tremendous bolt of positive energy. This powerful jolt, a cylinder of energy emitted from the tapered apex of the chamrol, can reach any target within 120' of the chamrol's base and affects an area 60' in diameter. Anyone caught within this area receives 2 hp damage per 10' of the chamrol's length (save vs. breath weapons to reduce damage by half). This attack is neither electrical nor fiery, so items that protect against these two effects will not help for savingthrow purposes.
Chamrols are immune to all fire and electrical attacks, but acid inflicts double damage. Only weapons of +2 enchantment or better are capable of injuring a chamrol.