Mold II

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd EditionCampaign Setting Logo

Deep MoldGray MoldDeath Mold
Frequency:UncommonRareVery rare
Activity Cycle:AnyAnyAny
Intelligence:Non- (0)Non- (0)Animal (1)
No. Appearing:1 patch1 patch1-3 patches
Armor Class:999
Hit Dice:n/an/an/a
No. of Attacks:111
Special Attacks:Spores, Strength lossSporesSpores, paralysis
Special Defenses:See belowSee belowSee below
Magic Resistance:20%35%Nil
Size:S to LS to LS to L
XP Value:3565175

These deadly molds are spore-producing fungi that grow in decaying organic materials. Like all molds, these have a fuzzy, harmless appearance. However, they can be deadly if disturbed, and they are hard to get rid of.

A typical patch of mold covers from 30 to 60 square feet. Patches can be found on walls, ceilings, and floors, and are eaten by a variety of underground dwellers. Molds wither in sunlight or dry conditions, and magics such as sunburst or sunray will kill a patch immediately.

Deep Mold

More plentiful than gray mold and death mold, deep mold appears in various shades of green and blue. Its pleasing appearance, coupled with its inviting fragrance, often lures subterranean animals in for the kill.

If anything touches the mold, whether a curious finger or a weapon, a spore cloud is released: 20' wide, 20' high, and 30' deep, centered on the point of contact. Those caught within the cloud must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or suffer 1d10 points of damage and lose 1 point of Strength for 1d10 rounds; those who are successful suffer only half damage and don't lose Strength. Each patch of deep mold can release three spore clouds a day.

Deep mold is immune to all weapon attacks and has a natural magic resistance. Magical spells that overcome the mold's resistance have several effects. Cold-based spells stun the mold for 3d6 rounds; during this time, no spores can be released. Heat-based spells stun the mold for 4d4 rounds. Acid (such as Melf's acid arrow) kills the mold at the rate of 10 square feet per vial (2d4 damage). A cure disease spell kills an entire patch without triggering the spores.

A creature infected by deep mold spores (an unsuccessful saving throw) takes an additional 1d10 points of damage per day until dead. A cure disease spell can excise the spore infection. Otherwise, a day of complete bed rest combined with continuous exposure to bright sunlight prevents spore damage for that day and allows natural healing to occur.

Gray Mold

This mold, which grows primarily on floors, has a fuzzy light gray to dark gray color. Often overlooked in subterranean caverns, the mold releases its spores when it is stepped on or attacked. It can create a cloud of spores every 6 rounds.

A cloud of gray spores is 30' deep by 15' wide and 15' high. Living creatures caught within the cloud suffer 1d6 points of damage and must make a saving throw vs. poison. Those who do not save have inhaled 1d6 spores - each causes 1 point of damage per round until either the creature is dead or a cure disease spell kills the spores. Those killed by gray mold spores become part of the mold, a man-sized creature increasing the size of a patch by 10 square feet. The spores do not harm non-living matter.

Gray mold is immune to weapons and to fire-based attacks. In addition, it has a natural magic resistance. Cold-based spells that pierce its resistance make the mold dormant for 1d8 turns, while ice storm, wall of ice, and similar spells (of 4th level or higher) kill the mold outright.

Death Mold

Death mold appears as a large mold patch colored in swirls and spots of green, gray, and brown. Those who see it often confuse it with other types of mold. Death mold can move, slowly inching its way along cavern floors and walls in search of food. It often lurks on ceilings, waiting to release its cloud of spores on victims below.

When death mold touches a victim, it releases a cloud of spores that is 40' deep by 60' long by 60' wide, centered on the point of contact. This semi-intelligent mold can emit the cloud of its own volition, and can release a spore cloud once a turn, up to six times a day. Those within the cloud suffer 2d8 points of damage. In addition, those within the cloud must make a successful saving throw vs. poison or fall down helplessly, coughing and wheezing for the next 1d4 rounds. Once victims are down, the death mold moves toward them or drops on them from its ceiling perch. Prey engulfed by the mold takes 1d8 points of poison damage each round the mold remains in contact.

Death mold is immune to all wizard spells. Priestly cure wound spells stun the mold for the number of rounds equal to the number of hit points that would have been healed. Slow poison causes the mold to lie dormant for 1 full turn. A neutralize poison or heal spell instantly kills the mold.

Monstrous Compendium, 1995 Annual, Volume 2 (2158)
Ruins of Undermountain II (1104)