Guardian Daemon

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd EditionCampaign Setting Logo

Guardian Daemon
Climate/Terrain: AnyAnyAny
Frequency: RareVery rareVery rare
Organization: SolitarySolitarySolitary
Activity Cycle: AnyAnyAny
Diet: NilNilNil
Intelligence: Average (8-10)Very (11-12)High (13-14)
Treasure: See belowSee belowSee below
Alignment: NeutralNeutral (evil)Neutral (evil)
No. Appearing: 111
Armor Class: 31-1
Movement: 999, Fl 9 (D)
Hit Dice: 6810
THAC0: 131210
No. of Attacks: 333
Damage/Attack: 1-4/1-10/1-101-6/1-12/1-12 1-10/1-12/1-12
Special Attacks: See ht-lowSee belowSee below
Special Defenses: See belowSee belowSee below
Magic Resistance: NilNil25%
Size: VariableVariableL (9' tall)
Morale: Elite (14)Champion (16) Fanatic (18)
XP Value: 2,0004,00011,000 |

These daemons are summoned by evil wizards or priests to guard something of importance. Guardian daemons always defend their charge with great ferocity

There are three types of guardian daemons-least, lesser, and greater. The least and lesser guardian daemons vary in size and form. often being homed and frog-like (least) or ape- or boar-like (lesser). Greater guardian daemons always appear as gigantic, winged bears with ram horns protruding from their foreheads, and eagle talons for hands.

Guardian daemons have the ability to speak all languages.

Combat: Guardian daemons can breath fire three times per day in a cone 30 feet long with a 10-foot b.ise diameter Damage deĀ· pends upon the type of daemon breathing. Least and lesser daemons cause 3d6 and Sdo points of damage respectively, while greater daemons inflict 7d6 points per breath attack. A successful saving throw vs. breath weapon reduces damage by half. Gu.irdian daemons never use their fire breath if the fire might damage whatever they are assigned to protect.

All guardian daemons are immune to charm, hold, sleep, polymorph, and fear spells. Lesser and greater daemons are also im pervious to weapons with less than a + 2 bonus. Many of these creatures are invulnerable to one or more additional forms of attack (e.g. sword, cold, fire, electricity).

Habitat/Society: Guardian daemons must remain at all times within 90 yards of the object they have been summoned to protect. Within this 90-yard radius, guardian daemons prefer to remain at a distance in battle using their breath weapon to maximum advantage.

Ecology: Summoning a guardian daemon is a dangerous affair. There is a 10% chance for each level the summoner is over 7th level of having his request for a guardian daemon granted (maximum chance of 90% ). Conversely, if the summoning fails, there is a 30% chance (-2% per level of the summoner over 10th) that the daemon takes offense and gates in to slay the spellcaster

Least Daemon

These creatures are often summoned to protect treasures valued at less than 25,000 gold pieces. Least daemons have a 50% chance of being immune to one additional type of attack.

Lesser Daemon

Lesser daemons are usually found guarding treasures of 25,000 gold pieces or more. They have a 80% chance of being impervious to one additional attack form.

Greater Daemon

These daemons are dispatched only to protect obiects of exceedingly great value. Greater guardian daemons are resistant to magic (25%) and are always immune to two additional forms of attack. They can make a suggestion, as the spell, once per round, even when engaged in combat.

MC2 Volume II (2103)