Dinosaur VI

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Climate/Terrain: Any landAny landAnyAny landAny land
Frequency: CommonUncommonRareUncommonCommon
Organization: HerdPackSolitarySolitaryHerd
Activity Cycle: DayDayDayDayDay
Diet: HerbivoreCarnivoreCarnivoreHerbivoreHerbivore
Intelligence: Non- (0)Non- (0)Non- (0)Non- (0)Non- (0)
Treasure: NilNilNilNilNil
Alignment: NilNilNilNilNil
No. Appearing: 2-123-181-81-62-8
Armor Class: 2/6752/62/4
Movement: 93, Fl 153, Fl 12 (D)96
Hit Dice: 123+36+61110
THAC0: 91713911
No. of Attacks: 31111
Damage/Attack: 1-6/1-10/1-102-83-124-162-16
Special Attacks: TrampleNilSee belowNilSee below
Special Defenses: See belowNilNilSee belowSee below
Magic Resistance: NilNilNilNilNil
Size: H (20' long)L (10' long)G (50' wingspan)H (16' long)H (18' long)
Morale: Steady (12)Average (10)Average (10)Steady (12)Steady (12)
XP Value: 2,000354202,0001,400


This is another of the quadrupedal dinosaurs of the ornithischian order; it is a relative of monoclonius, styracosaurus, and triceratops. The name pentaceratops means "five-horned face," but the aggressive herbivore really has only three true horns- the two apparent horns on the sides of its face are only cheek bones. Its shield (sometimes reaching over much of the back) and horns give its head AC 2, while the unprotected parts of its body are AC 6. If it charges it can trample smaller creatures, inflicting 2d10 points of damage.


This swift carnivore, a relative of the compsognathus, hunts in packs across grassy plains and in forests. It flees larger predators, but ruthlessly pursues any creature it perceives as potential prey. Although ten feet long from snout to tail, a podokesaur is thin and light, weighing only about 50 pounds. Thus these creatures are very fast and usually attack first. Their speed also accounts for their fine Armor Class.

Podokesaurus doesn't worry excessively if appropriate prey cannot be found- this dinosaur will as soon strike one of its fellows if driven by hunger.


This ghastly looking creature has a ten-foot-long snake-like neck and long jaws-truly a nightmare to behold. Even though its lower jaw has no teeth, it can inflict great wounds when swooping upon prey. The size of this dinosaur's shadow approaches that of the roe, which has a slightly larger wingspan of 60 feet.

The pterosaurus swoops down on prey from high in the sky, - thus causing a -3 penalty to opponents' surprise roll. If the pterosaurus surprises an opponent, it has swooped down at double speed to attack (with a +4 bonus to its attack roll), and any damage thus inflicted is doubled. Although a pterosaurus weighs only about 75 pounds, it can carry prey of three or four times that weight.

The pterosaurus is the dinosaur soulmate of the vulture; the giant flyer will eat carrion if nothing else suitable presents itself.


This dinosaur appears to be a cross between a stegosaurus and a dacentrurus. The spine area is protected by bony back plates from neck to hip sockets. Behind this, sharp, backward-pointing spikes run to the tail tip. which it keeps turned toward enemies. Creatures attacking its rear third have a 25% chance of suffering an attack resulting in 1d8 points damage. It is 80% likely that it defends at AC 2. Kentrosaurus is also a jungle dweller.


An aggressive plant-eater, styracosaurus charges at anything threatening. The bony plate gives the head area an AC of 2, and there is a 50% chance that anything attempting to bite its rear portions is stabbed by one or more of the sharp frills of the head plate, each frill inflicting 1d6 points of damage, 1-3 frills possibly striking. If styracosaurus charges. it tramples smaller creatures, inflicting 2d8 points of damage.

MC3 Volume III Forgotten Realms Appendix I (2104)