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Climate/Terrain:Temperate forests and swamps
Activity Cycle:Day
Intelligence:Animal (1)
Treasure:Incidental (10% chance each of J,K,M; 5% chance each of Q and one small magical item)
No. Appearing:1-2
Armor Class:5
Movement:1 (see below)
Hit Dice:6
No. of Attacks:2-8
Damage/Attack:See below
Special Attacks:Nil
Special Defenses:See below
Magic Resistance:Nil
Size:L to H
Morale:Elite (14)
XP Value:975

Clubthorn is related to the holly tree and shares many of its physical characteristics. Often found growing alongside holly, clubthorn is 90% likely to be mistaken for it. Clubthorn grows to a maximum height of 20'. It acquires 1 HD each year after its first year of growth until it achieves its maximum number of hit dice. Clubthorn is an evergreen with glossy green leaves and bright red berries. The leaves are as stiff as boiled leather, with sharp spines along their serrated edges.

Combat: The tree possesses a set of special rootlike tentacles concealed just beneath the surface of the ground, extending in a radius equal to half the tree's height. When a suitable victim approaches, these roots erupt from the ground and wrap around the victim's legs, holding him fast (they are easily cut with a single successful stroke against AC 6). The tree then attacks with its limbs, doing clubbing damage according to the age of the tree: 1-4 hp (×2) for a sapling, 1-6 hp (×4) for a young tree, 1-8 hp (×6) for a mature tree, and 1-10 hp (×8) for an old tree (the number in parentheses refers to the number of attacks the plant can make per round).

Because of the hardness of its wood and bark, blunt weapons do only half damage against clubthorn. Also, like the holly, the inner bark of the tree contains a sticky substance, similar to birdlime, that causes edged weapons to become stuck when they cut into the tree. A successful roll to bend bars or lift gates is required to pull a weapon free. A vinegar solution will dissolve the gum.

Habitat/Society: This tree feeds on the blood and decaying bodies of its victims through its roots. It is smart enough to move about 20-50' away from the site of a kill after it feeds, so as not to scare or warn off potential prey (it moves otherwise only to escape fire). Attempts to cultivate clubthorn as a hedge plant for defensive purposes have met with mixed success, thanks to the tree's mobility.

Dragon167 (Dragon167)