Behir, variant

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Climate/Terrain: Dry, desertsWet, rain forests
Frequency: Very rare Very rare
Organization: Solitary Solitary
Activity Cycle: Day Day
Diet: Carnivore Carnivore
Intelligence: Low Low
Treasure: IncidentalIncidental
Alignment: Neutral evil Neutral evil
No. Appearing: 1-2 1-2
Armor Class: 3 4
Movement: 1515
Hit Dice: 1014
THAC0: 117
No. of Attacks: See below See below
Damage/Attack: See below See below
Special Attacks: See below See below
Special Defenses: Immune to poison and heatImmune to poison and acid
Magic Resistance: Standard StanStandard
Size: L (35' long) L (45' long)
Morale: Champion (15)Champion (15)
XP Value: 8,00012,000

Desert Behir: These creatures are found in deserts as well as volcanic plains. Their platelike upper scales range in color from yellow to orange, while the belly scales are fiery red. When attacking, the desert behir has available all the physical attacks of a normal behir. The desert behir's breath weapon, however, is a jet of flame, 20' long, that does 30 hp damage unless a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon is made, success indicating half damage is sustained. This jet can be used once every 12 rounds.

Jungle Behir: As the name implies, the jungle behir is found in tropical jungles and rain forests. The large scales that cover the upper half of the body are emerald green in color, while the scales covering the lower half are a lighter coppery green. The jungle behir possess the same attack routines as the other behir types, but its breath weapon is a jet of acid that does 20 hp damage unless a successful saving throw is made. Half damage is applicable if the save is made. The jet can be used once every eight rounds.

Behir Growth Table
0 year36' long1-4/1-2x4
1 year412' long2-5/1-4x4
2-3 years620' long1-6/1-4x4
4-5 years828' long2-8/1-6x4
6-10 years934' long2-8/1-6x4
11-15 years1036' long2-8/1-6x4
16-22 years1138' long2-8/1-6x4
23+ years1240' long2-8/1-6x4

* The behir gains its constriction attack during its fifth year (1-2 hp damage) as well as six claw attacks, regardless of the victim's size.

** The behir becomes an adult at age 10 and does 1-4 hp damage with its constriction attack.

*** At age 15, the behir gains its trampling and butting attacks. The behir also does 2-5 hp damage with its constriction attack.

Dragon156 (Dragon156)